Meet the 2023 DivHacks Executive Team!

Columbia DivHacks
7 min readAug 3, 2023

Interviewed By Anita Raj, Columbia SEAS ‘27

DivHacks Executive Team Members Featured in This Interview

Sarah Shen, Columbia College ‘24 — head of technical development, DivHacks’ main executive

Jessica Zhang, Columbia SEAS ‘25 — head of publicity, marketing, and branding

Seyoung Ree, Columbia SEAS ‘25 — co-head of hacker experience

Ellie Yan, Barnard College ‘25 — head of sponsorship

What is your major, and why did you choose it?

Sarah: Computer science. I love how broad CS is and how creative some of the career paths allow you to be!

Jessica: CS. I have always been fascinated by both the scientific and the creative. I was drawn to the idea of finding innovative solutions to complex problems while embracing the power of imagination. Computer science seemed like the perfect intersection where I could explore both realms.

Seyoung: I’m majoring in computer science because I like coding and problem-solving.

Ellie: Computer science. My enthusiasm primarily stems from the creativity and innovation the subject demands. Tackling complex problems is not only intellectually stimulating but highly rewarding; the subject forces individuals to push the boundaries of the imagination and come up with original creations.

What are your main responsibilities as your team lead?

Sarah: I organize the development of the website and lead team meetings, basically monitoring the whole operation.

Jessica: As the publicity team lead, my responsibilities include maintaining the design aesthetic and thematic cohesiveness of the event, planning social media outreach, reaching out to schools and clubs within and outside Columbia, utilizing Canva for graphic design tasks, compiling an outreach packet and letter, creating content to generate excitement about the event, and organizing swag closer to the event. I try to be the driving force behind the outreach efforts, ensuring consistent branding, engaging communication, and strategic promotion to maximize participation and generate enthusiasm for the hackathon.

Ellie: I secured sponsorship funding for DivHacks, managed sponsorship team of seven in contacting 300+ companies and authored extensive documentation to ensure clarity and progress-tracking for each subteam member and corporate sponsor, designed official sponsorship package and collected user feedback to ensure optimal user experience and reader accessibiliy, orchestrated cross-functional initiatives, coordinating with various teams, including logistics, hacker experience, publicity, DivHacks executive board, WiCS’ treasurer, and the Columbia CS Department’s invoicing specialist.

What do you think makes DivHacks unique as compared to other hackathons?

Sarah: It aims to welcome everyone regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, or skill level!

Jessica: DivHacks stands out from other hackathons due to its unique focus on diversity and inclusivity. Our primary distinguishing factor is our unwavering commitment to providing a safe and empowering environment for students who have been historically underrepresented in the tech community. We firmly believe in the power of diversity and strive to create a platform where students from all backgrounds can thrive.

Seyoung: DivHacks is a diversity hackathon, specifically aimed towards increasing diversity in the tech field. We hope that people of different backgrounds and skillsets will benefit and learn from DivHacks.

Ellie: DivHacks stands out as a unique hackathon compared to others for several reasons, but most prominently because of our emphasis on diversity and inclusion. As the name suggests, DivHacks places a strong emphasis on DEI. We aim to create a welcoming and supportive environment for participants from all backgrounds, regardless of gender, ethnicity, nationality, or experience level. This commitment to diversity not only promotes a sense of belonging and encouragement for anyone to join, but also fosters a more creative and collaborative atmosphere.

What was your first DivHacks experience like?

Sarah: It was really exciting to see everyone come together to work on their projects, also just fun meeting people in general!

Jessica: My first experience attending DivHacks was actually as the publicity lead. The moment I stepped into the venue, I could feel the vibrant energy and enthusiasm in the atmosphere. It was an incredible feeling to be surrounded by so many talented individuals, all eager to learn and create. Interacting with other participants was one of the highlights of my experience. The diversity of backgrounds and perspectives represented at DivHacks was truly inspiring. Engaging in conversations, sharing ideas, and witnessing the innovative hacks being built by teams of all different tech levels was both exciting and educational.

Seyoung: I helped organize DivHacks 2022 as co-hacker experience director with Alayna! As it was our first DivHacks in-person and things were different due to COVID, there were many challenges. Nevertheless, it was very fun to organize over the summer and the hackathon was a success!

Ellie: My first DivHacks experience occurred my sophomore year spring semester; I joined the DivHacks planning committee, led by Alayna and Seyoung, along with a group of other Barnard/Columbia students. Every session, I would get to speak and be heard, bounce ideas off of each other, and hear others’ brilliant ideas. I’m so grateful to have been part of a collective that feels so inviting and inclusive for everyone.

What aspect of DivHacks are you looking forward to the most this year?

Sarah: Can’t wait to see all the new faces atthe event!

Jessica: I am super excited to see the hacks that participants will come up with this year! Our theme this year, Hack to the Future (all about embracing the transformative power of technology), lends so much room for creativity, so I can’t wait to see what the teams will create.

Seyoung: I’m excited to see the different projects that come up with our unique track system this year! You can choose 1 application and 1 technology, which you apply to your 1 project. I think this is a unique idea and I’m excited to see the combinations.

Ellie: I’m most excited to see the wide range of innovative projects that emerge during the hackathon. The focus on diversity and socioeconomic impact could lead to solutions that address real-world problems and make a positive difference. Especially with this years’ special combination of tracks, such abundant, real-world applications from healthcare to green tech will undoubtedly compel unique hacker solutions.

Which DivHacks track and application is your favorite, and why?

Sarah: Hmm, I’ve always loved AR/VR and the possibilities of using it for education. I took an AR class last semester and loved looking at all the projects my peers were working on, plus AR/VR has many capabilities in the education field to augment the education experience.

Jessica: My favorite track and application combo at the moment is Eduction + Mobile Dev. As a recently joined Duolingo user, I am fascinated by how mobile applications have transformed the accessibility and convenience of education. I think it really enables the creation of engaging and interactive educational tools that has opened up new opportunities for self-paced learning and personalized instruction.

Seyoung: My favorite track is education because I think there’s alot of interesting things hackers can come up regarding education and its prospect in the future. My favorite application is AR/VR because I think people can learn something new from it.

Ellie: My favorite DivHacks technology track is probably AI/ML. There’s a lot of controversy and negative connotation surrounding the future of AI/ML and potentially unethical practices (i.e. abuse of ChatGPT in classrooms; displacement of workers with advancements in AI), so I’m excited to see how hackers will transform the stigma surrounding this technology. All the applications have been selected carefully as to provide the utmost relevance and engagement for our hackers, so it’s hard to choose my personal favorite. I feel that patient safety in healthcare is especially unique and somewhat niche, but in that, it boasts great potential for innovative hacks and solutions.

What is one piece of advice you would give to DivHacks participants?

Sarah: Just try your best and have fun! You don’t have to be the most experienced to make it work at DivHacks — the point is to learn, and the best way to do that is by trying!

Jessica: One piece of advice I would give to DivHacks participants is to remember that this event is a safe and welcoming space for everyone, regardless of their coding level. Know that your participation and ideas are valued. No project is considered too big or too small here. I encourage you to take it easy and have fun during the hackathon. Embrace the opportunity to learn, collaborate, and explore new ideas. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. DivHacks is not just about the final outcome; it’s about the experience and the connections you make along the way.

Seyoung: I think you should go out of your comfort zone and try something new. For example, choose an application or track you’re unfamiliar with but interested in trying!

Ellie: One piece of advice I have for hackers: Embrace the diversity of ideas that DivHacks offers. DivHacks is a wonderful opportunity to work with individuals hailing from a wide range of backgrounds with varying skill sets from all disciplines. Seek collaboration and inclusivity by actively working individuals from different majors and perspectives; this can lead to more thought-provoking conversations and, ultimately, innovative solutions while fostering an enriching experience for both yourself and those around you. Be open to learning from others, sharing your knowledge, and collectively making a positive impact through your projects.

Thank you to all the team leaders who shared their responses! Looking forward to a great DivHacks 2023 event September 23–24, made possible by them and their teams!

